Wednesday, November 16, 2011

“And the winner is?” OBX Marathon 2011

Here I sit, humbled, both excited and a little disappointed about last Sunday’s running of the 2011 OBX Marathon.  I am going to do my best to recall the race, and the events leading up to it…most of you know my story, how can you not?  I post, virtually, daily updates with regards to my training, my favorite frozen yogurt…my preference in, well, just about everything…LOL.  I am thankful to all of you who have been a part in this journey so far…too many of you to mention…but you know who you are, all you Honey Badgers and such…I will put a few Easter eggs (inside jokes) throughout…and maybe a few spoilers…LOL… AND THEN!

20 weeks ago I started a modified Hal Higdon training plan.  By race day, I had logged 517 miles on my spreadsheet in anticipation of my first marathon.  Heat…humidity…bugs…dogs…heat…more heat…can you see the constant?...The other constants were Jon and Amber Shingleton.  The Shingleton’s dragged me through more runs than I can recall…their inspiration, and perspiration, are a true testament to our friendship, and I would be a dillhole if I didn’t acknowledge that simple fact.  I love you guys.  

20 weeks later…
The nerves hit during the drive to Nags Head…truck was packed with 4 Ghiloni’s and a Daughtridge (B’s dad, Rusty, went with us to take care of the kids while we ran…Oh, and should we have perished during the run, to return the kids, safely, to their mother), enough luggage for the Rockettes and at least 1 very anxious runner.  I had done distance…two 20 milers…a bungled 22 miler where I got dehydrated, and lost…For God’s sake, I did 50K at Hinson lake….but 26.2 without “breaks” is a different animal.  I admit that until I finished, I did not fully appreciate, understand, fear or RESPECT 26.2 miles.  I understand now how that little fella ran from Athens to Marathon then fell over dead (or something like that…it’s a myth…gimme a break)

So..let’s stroll through this leisurely little Sunday run.   

I felt great when I woke up…Eric Pate and I made it to the shuttle with time to spare…we hung out with a few other RMEC runners…trading stories…making predictions…good stuff…I missed being with B that morning…she was running her first ½…I really wished we had been able to start together…but I had to “trade her in” on some fruit loop with a Thor t-shirt on…LOL

I lined up WAY in the back…in fact, AT the back…my intent was to run 11 minute miles…then walk for 1 minute...wash…rinse…repeat.  So, I took off at a 9:00 pace for several hundred yards until finding a very comfortable 10:30ish and staying there for about 7 miles before walking….oops.  

COOL HAPPENING:  I rounded a corner to have the sun blast me in the face (in a good way) through a foggy mist just as “Here Comes the Sun” by the Beatles started.

Arthur and I leap-frogged back and forth for much of the first 7-8 miles…Note:  He is too skinny to draft on…LOL.

I really enjoyed the scenery…the trail portion of the first ½ was awesome…made for a really interesting run…I hit the halfway mark (13.1 miles) 23 minutes faster than my previous ½ marathon time…If I had stayed on that pace, 5 hours would have been a breeze….IF….AND THEN!

Somewhere around mile 14 my lower right back popped…I have had back problems for over 10 years and it was almost to be expected.  The pain that followed the pop was not expected.  I quickly went from 180 pounds to 300 pounds perceived weight in minutes.  My right leg was moslyt numb, with the rest on fire.  My right foot gave a sharp shot of pain with each foot-fall.  My left leg was heavy and aching with shots of pain with each step.  My back was heavy and felt like a mechanical joint in need of lubrication…with extreme pain across my kidneys and into a very nauseated stomach.  I took the 2 pills I carried “just in case”…this got me back to tolerable for 5 more miles…AND THEN!

They wore off just as if a switch had been thrown…and I got scared.  Soon I was walking with a bad limp…dragging my right foot. The back pain and pain in my right foot became unbearable and I started the “Great 2-hour cry of 2011”…LOL.

I would try to run.  For the first time ever, I was unable to.

Ya’ll saw how I built this race up over the last 6 months…I was crushed at the thought of not finishing.  I was scared…mad…embarrassed…truly concerned by the pain…I had to stop looking at my watch.  It tormented me…I settled into “1-step-at-a-time” as I made the right turn to the bridge (you know what bridge I am talking about).  And Then!

And for that last 4-5 miles I limped, and it hurt.  I prayed.  I cried.  Then I broke.   

At this point I decided to quit for the first time.  I stood at the last aid table before the bridge and stared at the volunteer until she asked if I was ok.  Thinking only about my wife and kids waiting for me in Manteo, I mumbled something and kept limping.  Next big thought…”ok dummy…no you HAVE to drag your dead leg over that damned bridge”.

NOTE:  The rest of the run is not crystal clear with regards to the timeline.  The following account is not told to be funny at all.  I truly had a miraculous experience on the bridge.  I will tell it the best way I can, with no interpretation.  I will leave that up to each of you to interpret based on your beliefs…but here is what I recall…I spent the bulk of this time alone with God.  

I spent some time asking God to pile more pain on me.  I have sinned in my life, and I thought, in the midst of misery, let’s do a little “atoning”.  Not sure where I got the idea, but it occupied a clouded mind for a while, and helped me to leave more than a few things on that bridge….then walk UP the bridge seemed to take hours.

Next big recollection:  at the top of the bridge, I fell into the railing.  I looked down and saw baitfish freaking out and dark colored dolphins chasing them…not really sure how long I was there…several runners gave the “come on buddy, you can do this”…cheer as they passed, but I was fine watching the dolphins….

Finally I felt a hand on my back…a big, warm hand, making circles.  She said, “are you ok?” 
Note: the left side of my body was sunburned after the race…as you ran up the bridge, the sun was on the left and she was between it and me…so while we talked, I never got a really good look at her.
I do not recall her name…I remember she said she was from Denver…that she was 70 years old…that this was her 3rd Marathon…and it sure seemed tough…but that’s all I got…maybe cuz I was hunched over trying to decide if this was where I was going to puke….not really sure…but she asked if she could pray with me…so we did.  She then asked, “is there anything I can do to help you?”  In the most “Eric” way I knew how, I said, “Ma’am if you can muster up the strength to push me over this rail, I would really appreciate it…those dolphins seem to be having a lot more fun than we are.”  She left saying, “Son, if you can still laugh, you can walk the last 3 miles.”  She was wearing purple….that is all I recall.

So, I cried my way down the hill…funny how downhill is sometimes harder than up.  I went to aid table and asked about pulling myself out of the race.  The volunteer explained that the decision would be final and once put in motion, I was done…no backing out…she told me to sit down and think about it…no rush.

I told her that I would just keep going…that, if I sat down, there would be no getting up….so, I limped…and I cried…and it hurt…badly.

As I attempted, again, to run, a police officer asked me not to…to please just walk…”cuz it hurts just to watch”…people in their cars…long since finished with their races…cheering me on…you can do it…you got this…almost there….no really…almost there…I know they said almosttherebutireallymeanalmostthere…..LOL.

½ mile left and the lady with the microphone was so freaking annoying…just annoying enough for me to ignore the pain for a few minutes…right turn…really fuzzy now…people walking to their cars…you got this…almost there…he looks sick…he’s dragging his foot…you got this…one more turn…red flag…

Ethan and Lucas with Brandie…they joined me…grabbed my hands and we…wait for it…RAN in…how the #$%&....RAN the last 50 yards….across the mat…I am a marathoner now.  26.2 miles.  6 hours and 3 minutes…I finished...WITH MY KIDS.   

I should hate that bridge.  That bridge has been on my mind for 6 months.  I will never forget that bridge or the things I left on it…or the things I took from it.   I think I will call her Violet.  Guardian Angels need names, too, after all.

So much more than a marathon.  AND THEN!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Do you believe God has a plan for you?

Here is a brief post about a revolutionary perspective-changing gift given to me by a friend. 

First, let me explain my career at this point.  Anyone who knows me knows that I have a lot going on...I thrive on chaos. The more I have going on, the more I can get done, it is an additive way of "doing business" where I operate under the premise that, "with a little additional effort/thought/energy/focus you can affect positive change on 2 or more projects". 

In English:  I am the Executive Director at Habitat, the Worship Leader at my church,  the leader of a family-friendly christian rock band, and sometimes co-host on local radio.  All these "projects" feed one another, allowing me to maximize impact on my community through multiple projects, without having to be 4 people at once.

Since I am "on" so much, it is very easy to lose focus on the fundamental truth of the promise of Christ dying on the cross.  So when I get jammed up and need to CTRL-ALT-DEL my life, slow down and regain perspective I remember the words that Mark Beard says to me when he sees that I am "in the weeds".

"Do you believe that God has a plan for you?  If you do, then there is no reason to be stressed."

simple...elegant...true.  Amen.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Food Drunk with Amber and Jon - OBX July 2011

This begins a new series of blog post that will appear along my journey..."Food Drunk with...".  This charter post feature fellow foodies and runners Jon and Amber Shingleton.  Part of the reason we run is so we can eat the way we do without looking like, well...those who eat like we do and do NOT run...LOL. 

So, this weekend we met up with the Shingletons in Nags Head, NC and it wasn't long before we were planning a gastronomic adventure.  Based on their strong recommendation we decided on Kelly's for dinner.  First impressions are important...and I was not disappointed...any seafood restaurant with absolutely NO fish smell is a winner from jump street.  WINNER!

Jon and Amber were making their 3rd trip last week to Kelly's, so you can see this was a meal we were really looking forward to it.

Our waitress was very good, excellent, in fact.  She ran down the specials which completely changed my plan for dinner...the bread basket was filled with a variety of warm treats...white, wheat, pumpernickel, and, wait for it.....SWEET POTATO BISCUITS...repeat...SWEET POTATO BISCUITS...note to self...learn to make those...soon.

OK, based on the specials, I started with gazpacho with lump crab on top and shared a dozen steamed oysters with Brandie...both dishes done very well.  I grew up on gazpacho, but sorry Mother, this was to the moon compared to any I have ever had.  Oysters were cook exactly to order.

Entre' time...Sushi grade tuna...seared and served with more lump crab meat, sun-dried tomatoes, and a pineapple salsa.  I ordered it medium it was so good that the minor sin of medium tuna was easily overlooked...rice and steamed veges were also good...all GREAT Meal...and priced right...HIGHLY recommended.  Kelly's has so much cool stuff on the menu that we will intend to be regulars.

Dessert at Kill Devil Custard for a Sea Turtle Sundae with the smoothest fudge I have had in a while...we went home full and excited for the Dunes buffet for breakfast the next day....The Dunes proved excellent with more sweet potato biscuits...and the normal breakfast fare...great coffee and fresh fruit.  So far...foodie-paradise weekend trip....BUT....

On the way home we decided to breeze through Manteo...and stumbled upon Full Moon Cafe and Grille.  Short story...I dislike eggplant as a fact I told Jan and Amber just the night before that I am no fan of eggplant...but I felt drawn to the "moon melt" open faced sandwich...and am now a convert.  On a french baguette it has roasted portabello mushrooms...roast eggplant...hummus, roasted red peppers, and YET AGAIN...sun-dried tomatoes...Brandie had a shrimp melt...and it was good, too...Full Moon now brews their own beer...again...this place will be programmed into the GPS for sure.

Jon and Amber Shingleton...Thank you.  Food, friends and a 6-miler with the trash trucks...hard to beat...but look forward to trying!  Until then I remain Food Drunk with....

Monday, March 14, 2011

My First 1/2 Marathon

Flash forward to mile 10…Where is Margaret?...Oh there she is…not too far ahead…just enough to keep me pushing…but wait, why is this so hard…why do I feel so heavy…why is my back so tight…11 miles last Saturday was so much easier…Candlewood seems so flat now…LOL….Why is my Garmin not synched with the signs…the forces are aligning against me…11 (from last week’s run) + 2.1=13.1…right? Half Marathon Math is not the same…on this day it worked out to 11+7ish=13.1. But, I am getting ahead of myself…let’s start at the beginning…January 12, 2010.

January 12, 2010…I smoked my last Camel Light…to the butt…to my fingers…and it was delicious…but the Dr. had scared the crap out of me the week before and my health was not good, I felt terrible and it was time for a change…2-3 packs a day…Cold-turkey.

Now what? A box of Little Debbie’s and a 12 pack of Mt. Dew A DAY!...That lasted a few months until my health got even worse…and I felt even worse…it was time for a change.

Enter Michael Forrester and some ramblings at church about Galloway…and walk/run…and 5K’s…and…and…and…LOL...BINGO!

It wasn’t long until walking got so boring that I considered OD’ing on Camels/Mt.Dew/Little Debbie’s just to NEVER have to walk again. Alas, I decided to RUN instead…and for that, Michael Forrester, I thank you. Many of you have been subjected to my posts and ramblings about my first mile…first 5K…Longest training runs…and other mile posts along the way…and to you, my RMEC cohorts, I thank you as well.

So, it all comes down to New Years Day 2011. 8.3 miles from Gerry Felton’s house…awesome run…great course…I got to run with Frank Lilley for a few miles and witnessed, first-hand, what I call a “Soul Runner”. He lives running…He is running…in fact there are so many inspirational runners in RMEC…the Forresters…Wingfields…Kevin Boudreau…Eric Pate…Ron…Dennis...Arthur…the Thurman-ator…Steve Cooper…too many to mention…

Then not a single mile in additional January…I used every excuse under the sun…it’s cold…it’s late…it’s early…anything to NOT run.

Panic over Roanoke Canal’s impending ½ Marathon kicked me into a fearful February of training…I jumped online…found a training schedule that thoroughly abused my body, but RENEWED my spirit. I added weight training…the Ghiloni family decided to start eating healthier…and the kids decided to sign-up for a 5K…not the fun run…but the 5K in April…NEW running partners…Sweetheart came and went and Roanoke loomed on the horizon like a dark cloud.

So…Here we go:

March 5, 2001: 11 mile with Margaret…a truly pleasant run with good friends and it seemed easy and very comfortable…Roanoke Canal is MINE!

March 11, 2011: Home from work. Baked Chicken and Rice..a lot of rice…been drinking so much water this week that….well…drank a LOT of water…set out all my gear…charged the Garmin…went to bed at 10:00…stared at the ceiling until about midnight…alarm set for 4:30.

March 12, 2011: Up at 4:30. Bottle of water. Protein shake with instant coffee in it to “speed up” the morning routine so I can run without “incident”…not time for portajohns…LOL. Hit the road at 6:00am…beautiful morning…gonna be a good race.

We arrived at the Race to find the usual suspects from RMEC…I love the buzz of the pre-race…Brandie was running the 8K and we were both psyched to run. Socialized for a while and then it was TIME!


Mile 1 was beautiful…the sun through the trees…light fog in the grass…and just about the first marker and flight of geese flew over…I thought, Michael Forrester time the release of the geese, JUST RIGHT…LOL.

Miles 2 and 3 found me fighting a side-stitch and a stiff discomfort. I just bit-down and plowed through until I would hit my “zone” around mile 4. I eased into zone without even realizing that I was rolling along at 10:30ish pace…very comfortable…just noticing the difference between trail and road running….ankles were too “noticeable”.

The next 4-5 miles were just a beautiful run through the woods…the ups and downs were tough on the legs…but I was just enjoying the newness of it all.

Flash forward to mile 10…Where is Margaret?...Oh there she is…not far ahead just enough to keep me pushing…but wait, why is this so hard…why do I feel so heavy…why is my back so tight…11 miles last Saturday was so much easier…Candlewood seems so flat now…LOL….Why is my Garmin not synched with the signs…the forces are aligning against me…11 (from last week’s run) + 2.1=13.1…right? Half Marathon Math is not the same…on this day it worked out to 11+7ish=13.1

Margaret and I walked an entire mile…we had several failed starts at a run. We contemplated stealing a hopped up golf cart and driving it in.

Then the tide turned in our favor…a nice lady ran past us and said the one thing we needed to hear to get back into the race….PIZZA. The last mile was a mix of running…power walking…stumbling…laughing…giggling…then we saw the parking lot.

I garnered enough strength to actually RUN the last 150-200 yards…Vanity is strong motivator.

I have never been so happy to finish anything in my life. Friends stayed to see me finish…My wife was there to see me do something that we never thought we would try, let alone, complete. And my buddy Margaret…the energizer bunny…finished right behind me…Pride…Accomplishment…RELIEF…FINISHED!

FINISHED…for today…ya know…I hear the Boogie is coming soon…LOL…Bring the pain…Bring the Noise…BOOYAH!
