Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Do you believe God has a plan for you?

Here is a brief post about a revolutionary perspective-changing gift given to me by a friend. 

First, let me explain my career at this point.  Anyone who knows me knows that I have a lot going on...I thrive on chaos. The more I have going on, the more I can get done, it is an additive way of "doing business" where I operate under the premise that, "with a little additional effort/thought/energy/focus you can affect positive change on 2 or more projects". 

In English:  I am the Executive Director at Habitat, the Worship Leader at my church,  the leader of a family-friendly christian rock band, and sometimes co-host on local radio.  All these "projects" feed one another, allowing me to maximize impact on my community through multiple projects, without having to be 4 people at once.

Since I am "on" so much, it is very easy to lose focus on the fundamental truth of the promise of Christ dying on the cross.  So when I get jammed up and need to CTRL-ALT-DEL my life, slow down and regain perspective I remember the words that Mark Beard says to me when he sees that I am "in the weeds".

"Do you believe that God has a plan for you?  If you do, then there is no reason to be stressed."

simple...elegant...true.  Amen.
