Thursday, August 19, 2010

don't have time?

My friend Troy showed up at work today...he is a member of our Habitat affiliate Board of Directors.  He showed up to help out with a project (one of MANY) that we desperately need to accomplish.  Troy showed up unannounced and took charge...he laid out his plan...gathering momentum...explained the process...the whole time I was thinking, "man, I am is not the best time..."...then POOF!  He was gone.  Gone to spend his time...his money to handle this project that he has decided to adopt.

I sat there thinking, for a minute, that it was not the best time for ME...but it was the best time for HIM.  Troy, a busy professional...a father...a husband...a musician at with his family...and HE took HIS time to help me...and US...the royal WE!  I was left with a sobering realization that my time is not any more valuable than his...or yours...or anyone's.  Thanks, Troy, for that doing nothing more than giving of yourself, you taught me a valuable lesson. 

I realized too that I do the same thing with God...I often intend to pray for someone...but now, I am busy with (insert selfish reason here)...or I have been blessed and ought to give thanks, but I have to (insert selfish reason here).....MY time over God's time?  Really?

"Lord, forgive me for my arrogance, help me to see the importance of others and help me to MAKE the time to give to you that which is yours, in all ways.  Amen."


  1. Very good start to this. I look forward to seeing what you come up with.

  2. thanks, brother...I just need to clear my head and heart sometimes...this way it's public...and gives me limitless accountibility....I am blessed...time to tell everyone...often

